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タイトルTuning of MEMS Devices using Evolutionary Computation and Open-loop Frequency Response
著者(英)Fink, Wolfgang; Peay, Chris; Oks, Boris; Keymeulen, Didier; Terrile, Richard; Ferguson, Michael I.; Yee, Karl
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述We propose a tuning method for MEMS gyroscopes based on evolutionary computation that has the capacity to efficiently increase the sensitivity of MEMS gyroscopes through tuning and, furthermore, to find the optimally tuned configuration for this state of increased sensitivity. The tuning method was tested for the second generation JPL/Boeing Post-resonator MEMS gyroscope using the measurement of the frequency response of the MEMS device in open-loop operation.
NASA分類Electronics and Electrical Engineering
