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タイトルModifying the Heliophysics Data Policy to Better Enable Heliophysics Research
著者(英)Roberts, D. Aaron; Hayes, Jeffrey; Bredekamp, Joseph
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The Heliophysics (HP) Science Data Management Policy, adopted by HP in June 2007, has helped to provide a structure for the HP data lifecycle. It provides guidelines for Project Data Management Plans and related documents, initiates Resident Archives to maintain data services after a mission ends, and outlines a route to the unification of data finding, access, and distribution through Virtual observatories. Recently we have filled in missing pieces that assure more coherence and a home for the VxOs (through the 'Heliophsyics Data and Model Consortium'), and provide greater clarity with respect to long term archiving. In particular, the new policy which has been vetted with many community members, details the 'Final Archives' that are to provide long-term data access. These are distinguished from RAs in that they provide little additional service beyond servicing data, but critical to their success is that the final archival materials include calibrated data in useful formats such as one finds in CDAWeb and various ASCII or FITS archives. Having a clear goal for legacy products, to be detailed as part of the Mission Archives Plans presented at Senior Reviews, will help to avoid the situation so common in the past of having archival products that preserve bits well but not readily usable information. We hope to avoid the need for the large numbers of 'data upgrade' projects that have been necessary in recent years.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利No Copyright
