JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルArray-scale performance of TES X-ray Calorimeters Suitable for Constellation-X
著者(英)Smith, S. J.; Bandler, S. R.; Eckart, M. E.; Irwin, K. D.; Doriese, W. B.; Kelley, R. L.; Chervenak, J. A.; Kilbourne, C. A.; Finkbeiner, F. M.; Iyomoto, N.; Brown, A. D.; Porter, F. S.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Having developed a transition-edge-sensor (TES) calorimeter design that enables high spectral resolution in high fill-factor arrays, we now present array-scale results from 32-pixel arrays of identical closely packed TES pixels. Each pixel in such an array contains a Mo/Au bilayer with a transition temperature of 0.1 K and an electroplated Au or Au/Bi xray absorber. The pixels in an array have highly uniform physical characteristics and performance. The arrays are easy to operate due to the range of bias voltages and heatsink temperatures over which solution better than 3 eV at 6 keV can be obtained. Resolution better than 3 eV has also been obtained with 2x8 time-division SQUID multiplexing. We will present the detector characteristics and show spectra acquired through the read-out chain from the multiplexer electronics through the demultiplexer software to real-time signal processing. We are working towards demonstrating this performance over the range of count rates expected in the observing program of the Constellation-X observatory. We mill discuss the impact of increased counting rate on spectral resolution, including the effects of crosstalk and optimal-filtering dead time.
NASA分類Instrumentation and Photography
