タイトル | A Brief History of Meteoroid and Orbital Debris Shielding Technology for US Manned Spacecraft |
著者(英) | Bjorkman, Michael D.; Hyde, James L. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Johnson Space Center |
発行日 | 2008-01-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Meteoroid and orbital debris shielding has played an important role from the beginning of manned spaceflight. During the early 60 s, meteoroid protection drove requirements for new meteor and micrometeoroid impact science. Meteoroid protection also stimulated advances in the technology of hypervelocity impact launchers and impact damage assessment methodologies. The first phase of meteoroid shielding assessments closed in the early 70 s with the end of the Apollo program. The second phase of meteoroid protection technology began in the early 80 s when it was determined that there is a manmade Earth orbital debris belt that poses a significant risk to LEO manned spacecraft. The severity of the Earth orbital debris environment has dictated changes in Space Shuttle and ISS operations as well as driven advances in shielding technology and assessment methodologies. A timeline of shielding technology and assessment methodology advances is presented along with a summary of risk assessment results. |
NASA分類 | Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance |
権利 | Copyright |