JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルGRMHD and GRPIC Simulations
著者(英)Mizuno, Y.; Fuerst, S.; Nishikawa, K.-I.; Hardee, P.; Wu, K.; Fishman, G. J.; Watson, M.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述We have developed a new three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) code by using a conservative, high-resolution shock-capturing scheme. The numerical fluxes are calculated using the HLL approximate Riemann solver scheme. The flux-interpolated constrained transport scheme is used to maintain a divergence-free magnetic field. We have performed various 1-dimensional test problems in both special and general relativity by using several reconstruction methods and found that the new 3D GRMHD code shows substantial improvements over our previous code. The simulation results show the jet formations from a geometrically thin accretion disk near a nonrotating and a rotating black hole. We will discuss the jet properties depended on the rotation of a black hole and the magnetic field configuration including issues for future research. A General Relativistic Particle-in-Cell Code (GRPIC) has been developed using the Kerr-Schild metric. The code includes kinetic effects, and is in accordance with GRMHD code. Since the gravitational force acting on particles is extreme near black holes, there are some difficulties in numerically describing these processes. The preliminary code consists of an accretion disk and free-falling corona. Results indicate that particles are ejected from the black hole. These results are consistent with other GRMHD simulations. The GRPIC simulation results will be presented, along with some remarks and future improvements. The emission is calculated from relativistic flows in black hole systems using a fully general relativistic radiative transfer formulation, with flow structures obtained by GRMHD simulations considering thermal free-free emission and thermal synchrotron emission. Bright filament-like features protrude (visually) from the accretion disk surface, which are enhancements of synchrotron emission where the magnetic field roughly aligns with the line-of-sight in the co-moving frame. The features move back and forth as the accretion flow evolves, but their visibility and morphology are robust. We would like to extend this research using GRPIC simulations and examine a possible new mechanism for certain X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in blackhole X-ray binaries.
