JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSample Return Primer and Handbook
著者(英)Duxbury, Thomas; Barrow, Kirk; McGee, Michael; Lee, Gentry; Faris, Grant; Cheuvront, Allan; Mainland, Nora; Wahl, Thomas; Hirst, Edward; Vellinga, Joseph; Szalai, Christine; Williams, Kenneth
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述This three-part Sample Return Primer and Handbook provides a road map for conducting the terminal phase of a sample return mission. The main chapters describe element-by-element analyses and trade studies, as well as required operations plans, procedures, contingencies, interfaces, and corresponding documentation. Based on the experiences of the lead Stardust engineers, the topics include systems engineering (in particular range safety compliance), mission design and navigation, spacecraft hardware and entry, descent, and landing certification, flight and recovery operations, mission assurance and system safety, test and training, and the very important interactions with external support organizations (non-NASA tracking assets, landing site support, and science curation).
NASA分類Space Transportation and Safety
レポートNOJPL D-37294
