JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSuzaku Observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C390.3
著者(英)Sambruna, rita
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述We present the results of a 100~ks Suzaku observation of the BLRG 3C390.3. The observations were performed to attempt to disentangle the contributions to the X-ray emission of this galaxy from an AGN and a jet component, via variability and/or the spectrum. The source was detected at high energies up to 80 keV, with a complex 0.3--80~keV spectrum. Preliminary analysis of the data shows significant flux variability, with the largest amplitudes at higher energies. Deconvolution of the spectrum shows that, besides a standard Seyfert-like spectrum dominating the 0.3--8keV emission, an additional, hard power law component is required, dominating the emission above 10 keV. We attribute this component to a variable jet.
権利No Copyright
