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タイトルTesting of Carbon Fiber Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel Stress-Rupture Lifetime
著者(英)Yoder, Tommy; Phoenix, S. Leigh; Greene, Nathaniel; Grimes-Ledesma, Lorie; Beeson, Harold
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述This paper contains summaries of testing procedures and analysis of stress rupture life testing for two stress rupture test programs, one for Kevlar COPVs performed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the other a joint study between NASA JSC White Sands Test Facility and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These will be discussed in detail including test setup and issues encountered during testing. Lessons learned from testing in these two programs will be discussed.
NASA分類Composite Materials
