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タイトルNarrow-band Imagery with the Goddard Fabry-Perot: Probing the Epoch of Active Accretion for PMS Stars
著者(英)Woodgate, Bruce E.; Grady, C.; Williger, G.; Endres, M.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The STIS coronagraphic imaging sample of I'MS stars was surveyed with the Goddard Fabry-Perot (GFP) interferometer to determine what fraction of the stars drive jets, whether there is any difference in behavior for a group of intermediate-mass stars as compared with T Tauri stars, and to search for evolutionary effects. Compared to broad band imaging, the FGP achieves an emission-line nebulosity-to-star contrast gain of between 500 and 3000. To date, we have detected jets associated with classical T Tauri stars spanning a factor of 280 in mass accretion rate in approximately 50% of the STIS coronagraphic imaging sample. We also detected jets or Herbig-HARO knots associated with 5 Herbig Ae stars, all younger than 8 Myr, for a detection fraction which is smaller than the T Tauri survey.
