JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルXNsim: Internet-Enabled Collaborative Distributed Simulation via an Extensible Network
著者(英)Bedrossian, Nazareth S.; Zhang, Chendi; Karpov, Igor; Novotny, John
著者所属(英)Draper (Charles Stark) Lab., Inc.
内容記述In this paper, the XNsim approach to achieve Internet-enabled, dynamically scalable collaborative distributed simulation capabilities is presented. With this approach, a complete simulation can be assembled from shared component subsystems written in different formats, that run on different computing platforms, with different sampling rates, in different geographic locations, and over singlelmultiple networks. The subsystems interact securely with each other via the Internet. Furthermore, the simulation topology can be dynamically modified. The distributed simulation uses a combination of hub-and-spoke and peer-topeer network topology. A proof-of-concept demonstrator is also presented. The XNsim demonstrator can be accessed at http://www.jsc.draver.corn/xn that hosts various examples of Internet enabled simulations.
NASA分類Computer Systems
