JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルModel-Unified Planning and Execution for Distributed Autonomous System Control
著者(英)Tompkins, Paul; Rijsman, David; Fry, Chuck; Bernardini, Sara; Moreno, Maria; Aschwanden, Pascal; Baskaran, Vijay; Muscettola, Nicola; Plaunt, Chris
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The Intelligent Distributed Execution Architecture (IDEA) is a real-time architecture that exploits artificial intelligence planning as the core reasoning engine for interacting autonomous agents. Rather than enforcing separate deliberation and execution layers, IDEA unifies them under a single planning technology. Deliberative and reactive planners reason about and act according to a single representation of the past, present and future domain state. The domain state behaves the rules dictated by a declarative model of the subsystem to be controlled, internal processes of the IDEA controller, and interactions with other agents. We present IDEA concepts - modeling, the IDEA core architecture, the unification of deliberation and reaction under planning - and illustrate its use in a simple example. Finally, we present several real-world applications of IDEA, and compare IDEA to other high-level control approaches.
NASA分類Computer Systems
