JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルContinuous auroral activity related to high speed streams with interplaneraty ALFV&N wave trains
著者(英)Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Zhou, Xiaoyan; Gonzalez, Walter D.; Kamide, Yosuke; Guarnieri, Fernando L.
内容記述We discuss a type of intense magnetospheric/auroral activity that is not always substorms: High-Intensity, Long-Duration, Continuous AE Activity (HILDCAA) events, which occur during high speed solar wind streams. The high speed streams contain large-amplitude, nonlinear Alfvtn waves. Analyses of POLAR UV images, demonstrate that the AE increases/AL decreases in HILDCAAs are not always substorm expansion phases (although some substorms may occur). The associated auroral W energy deposition is throughout a continuous (360') auroral oval. During some image intervals, the dayside aurora is the most remarkable feature. Our hypothesis is that solar wind energy transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere/ionosphere is primarily directly driven due to the finite wavelength Alfv6n waves and the rapid dBz/dt variability.
