JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMeasurements of upper troposheric humidity at low temperatures during CRYSTAL-FACE
著者(英)Herman, Robert L.; Bui, Paul T.; Heymsfield, Andrew J.; Ridley, Brian A.
内容記述Aircraft condensation trails (contrails) and thin cirrus were studied by instruments on the NASA WB-57F high-altitude aircraft during contrails and optically thing cirrus are contrasted by different levels of supersaturation with respect to ice. During the July 13, 2002, flight of the WB-57F aircraft intercepted visible contrails produced by both the WB-57F and ER-2 aircraft. These contrails were located immediately below the local tropopause, where ambient temperatures were very low (-76 degree C). The contrails were clearly indicated by an abrupt increase in NO and a simultaneous, abrupt decrease in ice supersaturation. With in the contrail, the relative humidity was close to 130% with respect to ice, higher than expected from theory. Outside the contrails was a persistent layer of subvisible currus extending from approximately 13 to 15 km altitude. This layer was characterized y significant supersaturations because the ambient concentrations of ice particles were insufficient to significantly deplete the ice supersaturation. We will discuss in situ measurements and models simulations of humidity.
