タイトル | Mars Exploration Rover surface operations: driving spirit at Gusev Crater |
著者(英) | Maxwell, Scott; Maimone, Mark; Bonitz, Bob; Cooper, Brian; Trebi-Ollennu, Ashitey; Wright, John; Baumgartner, Eric; Biesiadecki, Jeff; Hartman, Frank; Leger, Chris |
発行日 | 2005-10-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Spirit is one of two rovers, that landed on Mars in January 2004 as part of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers mission. Since then, Spirit has traveled over 4 kilometers accross the Martian surface while investigating rocks and soils, digging trenches to examine the subsurface environment, and climbing hills to reach outcrops of bedrock. |
NASA分類 | Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration |
権利 | Copyright |