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タイトルCore-level shift of the In 4d line for a clean InP(001)-2 x 4 surface
著者(日)下村 勝; 真田 則明; 金田 源太; 竹内 彰矢; 鈴木 佳子; 福田 安生; Huff, W. R. A.; 虻川 匡司; 河野 省三; Yeom, H. W.
著者(英)Shimomura, Masaru; Sanada, Noriaki; Kaneda, Genta; Takeuchi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Yoshiko; Fukuda, Yasuo; Huff, W. R. A.; Abukawa, Tadashi; Kono, Shozo; Yeom, H. W.
著者所属(日)静岡大学電子工学研究所; 静岡大学電子工学研究所; 静岡大学電子工学研究所; 静岡大学電子工学研究所; 静岡大学電子工学研究所; 静岡大学電子工学研究所; 東北大学科学計測研究所; 東北大学科学計測研究所; 東北大学科学計測研究所; 東京大学 理学部附属スペクトル化学研究センター
著者所属(英)Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University; Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University; Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University; Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University; Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University; Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University; Research Institute for Scientific Measurements, Tohoku University; Research Institute for Scientific Measurements, Tohoku University; Research Institute for Scientific Measurements, Tohoku University; University of Tokyo Research Center for Spectrochemistry, Faculty of Science
刊行物名Activity Report of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 1996
Activity Report of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 1996
抄録The core-level shift of the In 4d line has been studied for a clean InP(001). The surface of a sample of polished Cd-doped p-type InP(001) was sputtered by Ar(+) ion at 500 eV and subsequently annealed at 350 C so that no carbon and oxygen were detected and that the sharp (2 x 4) LEED (Low-Energy Electron Diffraction) pattern was observed. The surface core level shifts of the In 4d level were measured at various detecting angles, theta, (from 15 deg to 84 deg). In 4d spectra of the clean (2 x 4) surface for various detecting angles were shown in figures. The spectra were divided into four components (S1, S2, S3 and B), and the changes in intensity ratio of these four components for the various theta have been discussed for respective components. The intensity of component S1 was found to increase exponentially with the increase of angle, while that of component B decreased largely with the increase of angle. The intensities of components S2 and S3 were increased first and subsequently decreased as the angle increased.
キーワードcore level shift; p type InP crystal; LEED pattern; low energy electron diffraction; spectrum intensity; Ar ion sputtering; surface structure; core level binding energy; surface sensitivity component; dangling bond; In 4d spectrum; コア準位偏移; p型インジウムりん結晶; LEEDパターン; 低速電子回折; スペクトル強度; Arイオンスパッタリング; 表面構造; コア準位結合エネルギー; 表面感度成分; ダングリングボンド; In-4dスペクトル
資料種別Technical Report
