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タイトルGrain boundary effect on bacterial attachment
著者(日)Nandakumar, Kanavillil; Sreekumari, Kurissery R.; 菊池 靖志
著者(英)Nandakumar, Kanavillil; Sreekumari, Kurissery R.; Kikuchi, Yasushi
著者所属(日)産業技術総合研究所 四国センター 海洋資源環境研究部門; 大阪大学接合科学研究所; 大阪大学接合科学研究所
著者所属(英)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Marine Resources and Environment Research Institute, AIST Shikoku; Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University; Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
刊行物名Transactions of JWRI
Transactions of JWRI
抄録AISI Type 304 L stainless steel is a widely used material in industries due to its strength and resistance to corrosion. However, corrosion on SS is reported largely at weld or its adjacent areas. Bacteria were observed to colonize preferentially near welds and the reason for this is described as the surface roughness. In the present study, the influence of yet another important metal surface condition ie. substratum microstructure on the bacterial adhesion has been evaluated. 304 L SS weld samples were prepared and machined to separate weld metal, Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and base metal portions. These coupons were molded in resin so that only the surfaces polished to 3 micrometer finish were exposed to the experimental medium with bacteria, Pseudomonas sp., isolated from a corrosive environment in Japan. The coupons were exposed for varying duration. The area of bacterial attachment showed significant difference with time of exposure and the type of coupons. Generally, the weld metal samples showed more attachment while the base metal the least. The area of attachment was inversely proportional to the average grain size of the three samples. As the bacteria started colonizing, the attachment largely occurred on the grain boundaries of base metal (after 8 h, 84.62 percent and 15.38 percent of total number of bacteria attached in the Field Of View (FOV) at grain boundary and matrix, respectively) and on the austenite-ferrite interface in the weld metal (after 8 h, 88.33 percent and 11.77 percent of total number of bacteria attached in the FOV at boundary and matrix, respectively). Weld area had more grains and hence more grain boundary/unit area than base metal and hence resulted in more bacterial attachment. The SEM observation showed this increased attachment of Pseudomonas sp. resulted in the initiation of MIC on weld coupons by 16 days. Therefore, the results provide data to support the fact that substratum microstructure influences bacterial attachment which, in turn leads to corrosion.
キーワードgrain boundary; bacterium; stainless steel; welded joint; corrosion resistance; metal microbe interaction; microbe induced corrosion; microstructrure; heat affected zone; 粒界; 細菌; ステンレス鋼; 溶接継手; 腐食抵抗; 金属-細菌相互作用; 細菌誘起腐食; 微細組織; 熱影響部
資料種別Technical Report
