JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAutomated Precision Orbit Determination for TOPEX/Poseidon with GPS
著者(英)Muellerschoen, R. J.; Bar-Sever, Y. E.; Bertiger, W. I.; Munson, T. N.; Yunck, T. P.; Wu, S. C.
内容記述A highly automated GPS data processing system for the orbit determination of TOPEX/Poseidon is described. The orbit is recovered to an estimated accuracy of better than 4 cm in altitude, 6 cm crosstrack, and 11 cm down track. The RMS postfit residuals on the ionospherically calibrated carrier phase observable are less than 5 mm. The RMS difference over a 4.5-hour overlap period between two 30-hour data arcs is 1 cm in altitude, 5 cm cross track, and 4 cm down track. These results can be obtained within two days of onboard GPS data collection. Most of the data processing for a 30-hour arc of GPS data can be performed on a single workstation in less than 6 hours of CPU time. The estimation scenarios are explained, the automated data processing steps are described, and means to assess solution quality are discussed.
