JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトル(abstract) Distribution of Unimolecular Lifetimes in Ion-Molecule Association Reactions
著者(英)McEwan, M. J.; Anicich, V. G.; Sen, A. D.
内容記述The distribution of unimolecular lifetimes of ion-molecule complexes formed in association reactions has been measured by ion cyclotron double-resonance. The mean unimolecular lifetimes of (H(sub 2)C(sub 6)N(sub 2)(sup +))(sup *) and (CH(sub 3)CN.CH(sub 3)(sup +))(sup *) were determined to be 180 (micro)s and 140 (micro)s respectively. A theoretical examination of the distribution of lifetimes of (CH(sub 3)CN.CH(sub 3)(sup +))(sup *) was conducted using a RRKM model. The RRKM distribution, when modified by experimental constraints, was found to be a good approximation of the experimentally determined lifetime distribution. The lifetimes for unimolecular dissociation and radiative relaxation, and the absolute efficiency of collisional relaxation are also reported.
