JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA Fully Integrated Micro-Magnometer/Microspacecraft for Multipoint Measurements: The Free-Flyer Magnometer
著者(英)Cutting, E.; Pain, B.; Miller, L. N.; Randolph, J. E.; Turner, P. R.; Fossum, E.; Goldstein, R.
内容記述In the decades since the advent of in situ plasma measurements on board spacecraft, the instrumentation has grown bigger, heavier, and more complex as our understanding of space plasmas improves and our appetite for more information increases...There has thus been a recent interest in the miniaturization of both spacecraft and the instrument payload... This paper describes the results and status of an ongoing design study to understand the problems and trade space of fully integrating an instrument into a micro-spacecraft.
NASA分類Plasma Physics
