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その他のタイトルSoutherncross cruise preliminary results: A transect of Palau, Yap trenches and Ayu Trough at the Southern tip of the Philippine sea plate
著者(日)藤岡 換太郎; 藤本 博巳; 西澤 あずさ; 佐藤 利典; 小泉 聡子; 大鋸 朋生; 仲村 明子; 堀井 善弘
著者(英)Fujioka, Kantaro; Fujimoto, Hiromi; Nishizawa, Azusa; Sato, Yoshinori; Koizumi, Akiko; Oga, Tomoo; Nakamura, Akiko; Horii, Yoshihiro
著者所属(日)海洋科学技術センター 深海研究部; 東京大学海洋研究所; 海上保安庁 水路部; 東京大学地震研究所; アジア航測; 静岡大学 理学部; 琉球大学 理学部; 東京都水産試験場
著者所属(英)Japan Marine Science and Technology Center Deep Sea Research Department; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Maritime Safety Agency Hydrographic Department; Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo; Asia Consulting Engineers; Shizuoka University Faculty of Science; University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Science; Tokyo Fisheries Experiment Station
刊行物名JAMSTEC 深海研究
JAMSTEC Journal of Deep See Research
In this report, preliminary results of the Southerncross cruise which is the southern tip of the Philippine Sea Plate transect dives across the Palau, Yap trenches and Ayu trough were presented. Huge limestone block was found at the landward slope of the Palau Trench. The limestone is old reef origin and is transported from a much shallower part. Ayu Trough which is the southern extension of the Palau Trench has a few natural earthquakes. Knolls which are located in the axial part of the trough are covered with thick sediments and no active hydrothermal chimneys were found. Old ore deposits were taken instead of active chimney. These results may indicate the past spreading and no spreading now. Yap trench landward slope being connected with the Mariana Trench, has a notable flat plane which shows topographic inflection point. Gabbros and metabasalts were collected above the plane and peridotites and serpentinites were obtained below the palne. This means that the plane is possibly the petrologic Moho based on the topography and petrology. On the contrary, at the seaward slope, notable horst and graben structures were recognized on which walls were covered with fresh basalts. In these horst and graben, many fresh fissures which are similar to those found at the seaward slope of the Sanriku area. Morphologic changes with depth of the volcanic rocks were seen along the Palau-Kyushu remnant arc and CCD (Carbonate Compensation Depth) was traveled by submersible here. These new findings give a new insite for the better understanding of the tectonics of the southern tip of the Philippine Sea Plate.
キーワードShinkai 6500; oceanographic survey; Philippine Sea plate; Yap Trench; Palau trench; Ayu Trough; Kyushu Palau old oceanic ridge; landward slope; limestone block; coral reef; basalt; trough spreading; gabbro; Peridotite; submarine topography; しんかい6500; 海洋調査; フィリピン海プレート; ヤップ海溝; パラオ海溝; アユトラフ; 九州パラオ古海嶺; 陸側斜面; 石灰岩ブロック; 珊瑚礁; 玄武岩; トラフ拡大; ガブロ; カンラン岩; 海底地形
資料種別Technical Report
