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タイトルInelastic processes in collisions of H(+) ions with C, N, and O atoms below 1 keV
著者(日)季村 峯生; Gu, Jian-Ping; Hirsch, Gerhard; Buenker, Robert J.; 島村 勲
著者(英)Kimura, Mineo; Gu, Jian-Ping; Hirsch, Gerhard; Buenker, Robert J.; Shimamura, Isao
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; Universitaet Wuppertal Theoretische Chemie; Universitaet Wuppertal Theoretische Chemie; Universitaet Wuppertal Theoretische Chemie; 理化学研究所
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Universitaet Wuppertal Theoretische Chemie; Universitaet Wuppertal Theoretische Chemie; Universitaet Wuppertal Theoretische Chemie; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
発行機関などInstitute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1996
理化学研究所加速器年次報告 1996
抄録Although electron capture reactions resulting from collisions of protons with carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms are known to play an important role in many fields, accurate rates of these collision processes are not well known yet. In this paper, electron capture cross sections and corresponding rate coefficients for the three target atoms (C, N, O) were calculated rigorously based on a molecular representation within a semi-classical framework for HC(+), HN(+), HO(+). The multireference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction (MRD-CI) method and a semi-classical molecular orbit expansion method with a straight-line trajectory of the incident ion were employed to study the collision dynamics. The rate coefficients for electron capture above 10,000 K resulting from collisions of H(+) ions with the target atoms were obtained.
キーワードinelastic process; ion collision; H(+) ion; carbon; nitrogen; oxygen; electron capture; cross section; multireference single excitation configuration; multireference double excitation configuration; MRD CI method; semiclassical molecular orbital expansion method; collision process; target; semiclassical framework; 非弾性過程; イオン衝突; 水素プラスイオン; 炭素; 窒素; 酸素; 電子捕獲; 断面積; 多参照単励起配置; 多参照2重励起配置; MRD-CI法; 半古典的分子軌道展開法; 衝突過程; 標的; 半古典的枠組
資料種別Technical Report
