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タイトルDeep Space Test Bed
著者(英)Christl, Mark; Milton, Martha E.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The DSTB Facility provides a new capability for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration s (NASA s) Space Radiation Shielding Project (SRSP). The objective of the DSTB is to provide a platform to conduct radiation shielding investigations in an environment more similar to deep space than most Low Earth orbits or is achievable at a particle accelerator. The DSTB provides a means to experimentally test radiation shielding effectiveness of various materials and to test the accuracy of radiation transport code predictions in the deep space cosmic ray environment more frequently and at a lower cost compared to space flight missions. New spectrometers, dosimeters and other techniques may be exercised and verified using the DSTB before space flight. The DSTB will be implemented through NASA s National Scientific Balloon Facility (NSBF) which provides polar balloon flights that lift science payloads to high altitude (120,000 A. (36.58km)) to escape much of the shielding effects of the Earth s atmosphere and magnetosphere. Polar flights are conducted through NSBF in coordination with the United States Polar Program. The DSTB will be launched on a Long Duration Balloon (LDB) from McMurdo, Antarctica (77.86 degrees south latitude) for circumpolar flights, nominally 20 days, traveling to the west and typically bounded between 73 to 82 degrees south latitude. Float altitudes for these balloons with payload are 115,000 to 130,000 feet (35.05 to 39.62km). The DSTB will be able to accommodate up to 20 investigations per flight. Annual flight opportunities are planned starting in December 2005. Balloon campaigns in Antarctica occur in December and January during the Austral summer. Since a key goal of the DSTB facility is to efficiently serve the varied needs of the radiation shielding community; it must be designed with a flexible architecture. By implementing the DSTB facility with NASA s balloon program, which operates under reduced formalities compared to space flight, the DSTB facility can adjust for different investigation priorities on successive flights. This flexibility in the DSTB will be applied at several levels; in the distribution of the shared resources for each flight; addressing the payload configuration on a system level for each flight; and utilizing a selection process for investigations that considers yearly flight opportunities as well as the possibility for repeated flights. This approach for operating the DSTB facility will allow it to handle a wide range of investigations.
NASA分類Space Radiation
権利No Copyright
