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タイトルA New Variety of CMEs: Streamer Puffs from Compact Ejective Flares
著者(英)Moore, R. L.; Poletto, G.; Bemporad, A.; Sterling, Alphonse C.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述We present SOHO EIT, UVCS and LASCO observations of recurrent (6 --- 8 events per day) narrow (angular widths of about 3 --- 10 degrees) Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) which occurred over 2002 November 26--29. The active region where the ejections originate is near the base of a coronal streamer that appears to be unperturbed by the events and keeps stable in time; hence we interpret the observed events as a new class of recursive narrow CMEs that we call "streamer puffs." EIT 304 angstrom (He II) images indicate that the puffs result from compact ejective flares embedded in the streamer, with the ejections from the flares having velocities 100 --- 200 kilometers per second. Most ejections are closely correlated with coronal "jets" seen at 1.7 solar radii in the UVCS data, and a subset of these ejections and jets correspond to streamer puffs observed in LASCO coronagraph images. There are, however, more compact flares and jets than streamer puffs during the observation period, indicating that only a subset of the flare-associated ejections are energetic enough to escape into the heliosphere.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利No Copyright
