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タイトルTechnical Report of ISSP Ser. A: Number 2655
その他のタイトルMagnetic properties of NdCo3 and its gamma phase hydride NdCo3H4.1(+)
著者(日)Bartashevich,M.I.; 鴻井 克彦; 後藤 恒明; 山口 益弘; 山本 勲; 菅谷 文孝
著者(英)Bartashevich, M. I.; Koi, Katsuhiko; Goto, Tsuneaki; Yamaguchi, Masuhiro; Yamamoto, Isao; Sugaya, Fumitaka
著者所属(日)東京大学 物性研究所; 東京大学 物性研究所; 東京大学 物性研究所; 横浜国立大学 工学部; 横浜国立大学 工学部; 横浜国立大学 工学部
著者所属(英)University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics; University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics; University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics; Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering; Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering; Yokohama National University Faculty of Engineering
発行機関などInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
刊行物名Technical Report of ISSP Ser. A
Technical Report of ISSP Ser. A
抄録Magnetization measurements have been carried out for an aligned powder sample NdCo3 and for an isotropic one of the hydride NdCo3H(4.1). NdCo3 is a ferromagnet with T (sub c)= 381 K and exhibits a spin reorientation transition of easy direction from the basal plane to the c-axis in the temperature range 220 to 225 K. NdCo3 shows a field induced phase transition in low fields below 0.7 T along the c-axis from the collinear to noncollinear structure at the temperatures below 115 K. NdCo3H(4.1) is an antiferromagnet with T (sub N)= 214 K and exhibits a metamagnetic transition to the ferromagnetic structure in applied magnetic fields. The transition field of NdCo3H(4.1) is significantly decreased compared with the hydride with nonmagnetic Y instead of Nd by the positive exchange field acting on the Co sublattice from the Nd sublattice.
キーワードmagnetic property; gamma phase; intermetalic compound; magnetization measurement; aligned powder sample; isotropic powder sample; ferromagnet; spin reorientation transition; collinear structure; noncollinear structure; c axis; field induced phase transition; antiferromagnet; metamagnetic transition; sublattice; 磁気的性質; ガンマ相; 金属間化合物; 磁化測定; 整列粉末試料; 等方粉末試料; 強磁性体; スピン再配向転移; 共線形構造; 非共線構造; C軸; 磁場誘導相転移; 反強磁性体; メタ磁気転移; 副格子
資料種別Technical Report
