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タイトルPossibilities and Challenges in Using Satellite Data for PM2.5 Forecasts
著者(英)Yu, Hong-Bin; Chin, Mian; Chu, Allen
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Satellite remote sensing has brought our observation of the earth's atmosphere into a new era, and remote sensing capability could lead to a quantum leap in our ability of air quality monitoring and prediction. In terms of aerosols, the most common quantity from satellite retrieval is the atmospheric column aerosol optical thickness (AOT), and the most common quantity indicating air quality at the surface is the concentration of PM2.5. w e present here the relationship between the column AOT and the surface PM2.5 from a global aerosol model GOCART and from satellite and surface measurements. We will discuss the possibilities and challenges in using satellite data for PM2.5 forecasts, and if model-satellite assimilation can improve the forecast quality.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利No Copyright
