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タイトルResults of CoSMIR Under-Flights of the SSMIS
著者(英)Racette, P.; Piepermeir, J.; Wang, J. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The first copy of the SSMIS (Special Sensor Microwave/Imager/Sounder) was launched on board the DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Project) F-16 satellite in October 2003. During March-April 2004, six 5-hour SSMIS under-flights were conducted with the CoSMIR on board the NASA ER-2 aircraft over the coastal region of California. CoSMIR has nine channels at the frequencies of 50.3, 52.8, 53.6, 91.665 (V and H polarization), 150, 183.3+/-1, 183.3+/-3, and 183.3+/-6.6 GHz. All except the two 91.665 GHz channels are horizontally polarized. The instrument was carefully calibrated with LN2 target in the laboratory before the flights. Three of the aircraft flights passed over Lakes Pyramid and Tahoe that could be used to validate the in-flight sensor calibration. Immediately after these flights, an inter-comparison of the calibrated SSMIS and CoSMIR brightness temperatures (T(sub b)) followed. The results showed that, for channels at frequencies > or equal to 91.665 GHz, the SSMIS and CoSMIR T(sub b) values tracked each other very well; for some channels there were some bias with magnitude generally less than 3-4 K (SSMIS values were higher). For the three 50-54 GHz channels, the SSMIS T(sub b) values were higher and frequency-dependent. For the least opaque channel at 50.3 GHz, the SSMIS T(sub b)'s over the ocean surface were higher than those of CoSMIR by more than 20 K under the clear-sky conditions. The most plausible explanation for this to happen is to assume that the 50-54 GHx channels of the SSMIS are vertically polarized. This assumption appears to be consistent with independent radiative transfer calculations. Attempts to estimate vertically polarized radiometric responses for 50-54 GHz channels of the SSMIS based on the CoSMIR observations are not plausible and results not reliable because of the highly variable ocean surface conditions (e.g., wind-induced emissivity changes). A conversion of the CoSMIR 50-54 GHz channels from horizontal to vertical polarization, and a subsequent repetition of the SSMIS under-flights are the right approach for the calibration/validation of the 50-54 GHz channels of the SSMIS. Details of the SSMIS-CoSMIR inter-comparison will be presented.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利No Copyright
