タイトル | Glucocorticoid effects on immune cell activation by staphylococcal exotoxins and lipopolysaccharide |
著者(英) | Kopydlowski, K. M.; Fleming, S. D.; Chapes, S. K.; Iandolo, J. J.; Spooner, B. S. |
発行日 | 1992-01-01 1992 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of physiologically elevated corticosterone on the activation of macrophages and T cells. These studies find that the elevation of corticosterone does not affect the expression of membrane receptors on macrophages and does not affect the activation of macrophages to produce cytokines. In contrast, elevated corticosterone levels correlate with enhanced T cell proliferation to both mitogens and superantigens. |
NASA分類 | Life Sciences (General) |
権利 | Copyright |