JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルHuman cardiovascular response to sympathomimetic agents during head-down bed rest: the effect of dietary sodium
著者(英)Stuart, C. A.; Williams, W. J.; Pietrzyk, R. A.; Whitson, P. A.; Fortney, S. M.; Chen, Y. M.
内容記述Changes in sympathoadrenal function and cardiovascular deconditioning have long been recognized as a feature of the physiological adaptation to microgravity. The deconditioning process, coupled with altered hydration status, is thought to significantly contribute to orthostatic intolerance upon return to Earth gravity. The cardiovascular response to stimulation by sympathomimetic agents before, during, and after exposure to simulated microgravity was determined in healthy volunteers equilibrated on normal or high sodium diets in order to further the understanding of the deconditioning process.
NASA分類Aerospace Medicine
