JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルProton-proton correlations at small relative momentum in neon-nucleus collisions at E/A=400 and 800 MeV
著者(英)Schimmerling, W.; Augerat, J.; Dupieux, P.; Qassoud, D.; Fanet, H.; Fodor, Z.; Racca, C.; Fraysse, L.; Poitou, J.; Bastid, N.; Montarou, G.; Alard, J. P.; Laspalles, C.; Gosset, J.; Parizet, M. J.; Girard, J.; Lemaire, M. C.; Babinet, R.; Gorodetzky, P.; De Marco, N.; Marroncle, J.; Charmensat, P.; Brochard, F.; L'Hote, D.; Lucas, B.
内容記述Proton-proton small angle correlations have been measured in neon-nucleus collisions, using the 4 pi detector Diogene, at 400 and 800 MeV per nucleon incident energies. Values of the size of the emitting region are obtained by comparison with the Koonin formula, taking into account the biases of the apparatus. The dependence of the density on target mass and incident energy is also analysed.
NASA分類Nuclear Physics
