JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルReduced receptor aggregation and altered cytoskeleton in cultured myocytes after space-flight
著者(英)Reitstetter, R.; Roberts, R.; Gruener, R.
内容記述We carried out parallel experiments first on the slow clinostat and then in space-flight to examine the effects of altered gravity on the aggregation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and the structure of the cytoskeleton in cultured Xenopus embryonic muscle cells. By examining the concordance between results from space flight and the clinostat, we tested whether the slow clinostat is a relevant simulation paradigm. Space-flown cells showed marked changes in the distribution and organization of actin filaments and had a reduced incidence of acetylcholine receptor aggregates at the site of contact with polystyrene beads. Similar effects were found after clinostat rotation. The sensitivity of synaptic receptor aggregation and cytoskeletal morphology suggests that in the microgravity of space cell behavior may be importantly altered.
NASA分類Aerospace Medicine
