JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルHow the science and engineering of spaceflight contribute to understanding the plasticity of spinal cord injury
著者(英)Harkema, S. J.; Hodgson, J. A.; Dobkin, B.; Garfinkel, A.; Konigsberg, E.; Weiss, J.; Edgerton, V. R.; Day, M. K.; Roy, R. R.; Koslovskaya, I.
内容記述Space programs support experimental investigations related to the unique environment of space and to the technological developments from many disciplines of both science and engineering that contribute to space studies. Furthermore, interactions between scientists, engineers and administrators, that are necessary for the success of any science mission in space, promote interdiscipline communication, understanding and interests which extend well beyond a specific mission. NASA-catalyzed collaborations have benefited the spinal cord rehabilitation program at UCLA in fundamental science and in the application of expertise and technologies originally developed for the space program. Examples of these benefits include: (1) better understanding of the role of load in maintaining healthy muscle and motor function, resulting in a spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation program based on muscle/limb loading; (2) investigation of a potentially novel growth factor affected by spaceflight which may help regulate muscle mass; (3) development of implantable sensors, electronics and software to monitor and analyze long-term muscle activity in unrestrained subjects; (4) development of hardware to assist therapies applied to SCI patients; and (5) development of computer models to simulate stepping which will be used to investigate the effects of neurological deficits (muscle weakness or inappropriate activation) and to evaluate therapies to correct these deficiencies.
NASA分類Life Sciences (General)
