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タイトルDesign study of sector magnets for RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron, 1
その他のタイトル理研超伝導リングサイクロトロン用セクタ磁石の設計研究 1
著者(日)密本 俊典; 後藤 彰; 川口 武男; 金 鐘元; 田中 保志; 久保 敏幸; 奥野 広樹; 冨中 利治; 藤島 史朗; 矢野 安重
著者(英)Mitsumoto, Toshinori; Goto, Akira; Kawaguchi, Takeo; Kim, Jong-Won; Tanaka, Yasushi; Kubo, Toshiyuki; Okuno, Hiroki; Tominaka, Toshiharu; Fujishima, Shiro; Yano, Yasushige
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
発行機関などInstitute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1996
理化学研究所加速器年次報告 1996
抄録To produce and accelerate RI (Radioactive Isotope) beams, two kinds of SRC (Superconducting Ring Cyclotron) were designed as a post-accelerator for the existing RRC (Riken Ring Cyclotron) in a two-stage scheme: 4-sector SRC (SRC-4) for the first stage and 6-sector SRC (SRC-6) for the second stage. Features of sector magnets together with the field calculation and the orbit analysis were studied. The SRC-6 was expected to boost the energy of an ion beam up to 400 MeV/N for light-heavy ions like carbon ions and 150 MeV/N for very heavy ions like uranium ions. Beam currents more than 100 pico-micro-A was expected for light-heavy ions and those equal to about 0.2 pico-micro-A for 150 MeV/N for uranium ions. To accomplish this requirement, the total velocity gain factor of 2.26 was needed for the two new cyclotrons. Therefore, the velocity gain factors of 1.50 and 1.506 for SCR-4 and SCR-6, respectively, were selected. Magnetic fields and their related characteristics were calculated by three-dimensional code TOSCA. Equilibrium orbits and betatron tunes were calculated using the computer program that had been originally developed for RRC. These results were shown in the diagrams.
キーワードRI Beam Factory; Radioactive Isotope beam; RRC; RIKEN Ring Cyclotron; SRC; Superconducting Ring Cyclotron; orbit analysis; velocity gain factor; betatron; RIビームファクトリー; 放射性同位元素ビームファクトリー; RRC; 理研リングサイクロトロン; SRC; 超伝導サイクロトロン; 軌道解析; 速度利得係数; ベータトロン
資料種別Technical Report
