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タイトルPSC Characteristics from Satellite Observations and Simulations
著者(英)Bokarius, K.; Strawa, A. W.; Drdla, K.; Alfred, J.; Fromm, M.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述POAM solar occultation observations from 1994 to present are studied for the purpose of determining Type I PSC formation characteristics and winter-long evolution. This study examines PSC observations from many years on a common basis to see if characteristics can be identified. The results show that Type Ia PSCs form at the beginning of the winter, within several days of the first drop in temperature below T_NAT, and peak early in the winter. Type Ia PSCs typically out number Ib PSCs over the winter, especially at the beginning of the winter. Type Ia and Ib PSC observations continue throughout the winter. Micro-physical models of PSC formation must match these observed characteristics. Some models predict that temperatures must be more than 5 K below T_NAT for five days before significant freezing can occur. This is not seen in the POAM observations. Differences in PSC characteristics between the first two Arctic winters (1994-1995 and 1995-1996) and later winters also suggest the influence of volcanic perturbations on PSC formation. Type Ia and Ib PSC Characteristics observed by POAM III and SAGE III for the 2002-2003 Arctic winter are compared.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
