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タイトルThe jump mechanism of self-interstitials in pure iron
著者(日)吉田 豊; 小林 義男; 安部 文敏; 八木 栄一; Sielemann, Rainer; Feinauer, Adolf; Seeger, Alfred
著者(英)Yoshida, Yutaka; Kobayashi, Yoshio; Anbe, Fumitoshi; Yagi, Eiichi; Sielemann, Rainer; Feinauer, Adolf; Seeger, Alfred
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin; Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart; 理化学研究所
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin; Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1997
理化学研究所加速器年次報告 1997
抄録The in-beam Moessbauer spectroscopy using the Fe-56(d,p)Fe-57 reaction by a deuteron beam from the RIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) AVF (Azymuthally Varying Field) Cyclotron is opening a possibility to study the elementary jump process of self interstitials in a pure single crystal iron. In order to determine the jump vectors of the interstitial Fe-57 atoms, the angular dependence of Moessbauer spectrum was measured at different crystal orientations. In the present investigation, by making a thinner sample as thin as 100 micrometer, it was possible to measure Moessbauer spectra without any deuteron accumulation. The angular dependent Moessbauer spectra at 400 and 150 K were fitted using two six-lines: one component with a larger magnetic splitting corresponds to the substitutional Fe, and the other with a smaller magnetic splitting corresponds to Fe atoms on a defect site. It may be possible to compare the area intensities of defect components as a function of the angle with those predicted from different jump models.
キーワードiron atom; self interstitial; jump process; deuteron beam; Fe 57 atom; inbeam Moessbauer spectroscopy; single crystal; Moessbauer spectrum; angular dependence; magnetic splitting; defect; 鉄原子; 自己間入; ジャンプ過程; 重陽子ビーム; Fe-57原子; インビームメスバウアースペクトロスコピー; 単結晶; メスバウアースペクトル; 角度依存性; 磁気スプリッティング; 欠陥
資料種別Technical Report
