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タイトルDecreased Estrogen May Contribute to Osteopenia in Unloaded Bones
著者(英)Tou, Janet; Arnaud, Sara; Grindeland, Richard; Wade, Charles
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Progressive loss of weight-bearing bone in astronauts is one of the most serious impediments to long-duration spaceflight. Estrogen deficiency in women is an established factor in bone loss. Reduced sex hormone levels have been reported in male astronauts, but no data is available regarding spaceflight effects on female sex hormones. The objective of our study was to determine the role of estrogen in disuse osteopenia. The NASA developed hindlimb suspension (HLS) model was used to simulate the unloading disuse of weight-bearing bones experienced in space. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (age 77d; n = 20/group) were HLS or kept ambulatory (AMB) for 38 d and endocrine and bone indices determined. HLS of rats resulted in lower (p less than 0.01) bone mass (9%0), bone mineral content (BMC 13%) and mechanical strength (28%) compared to AMB animals. Plasma estradiol (E2) was lower (p = 0.03) in HLS (10.1 +/- 1.4 pg/ml) compared to AMB rats (16.7 +/- 2.6 pg/ml). E2 was positively correlated to BMC r(sup 2) = 0.67 and mechanical strength r(sup 2) = 0.61. These results suggest that reduced E2 plays a role in disuse osteopenia induced by HLS. Plasma or pituitary lutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were not different in HLS versus AMB rats. However, pituitary LH was correlated to E2 (r(sup 2) = 0.57), suggesting changes in E2 were exerted at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Understanding the role of estrogen in disuse osteopenia is necessary to the development of efficacious therapies for female astronauts, bed rest patients and the increasing number of individuals in our sedentary population suffering bone loss.
NASA分類Life Sciences (General)
権利No Copyright
