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タイトルCharacterization and Prediction of the SPI Background
著者(英)Knodlseder, J.; Teegarden, B. J.; Skinner, G. K.; Jean, P.; Weidenspointer, G.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The INTEGRAL Spectrometer, like most gamma-ray instruments, is background dominated. Signal-to-background ratios of a few percent are typical. The background is primarily due to interactions of cosmic rays in the instrument and spacecraft. It characteristically varies by +/- 5% on time scales of days. This variation is caused mainly by fluctuations in the interplanetary magnetic field that modulates the cosmic ray intensity. To achieve the maximum performance from SPI it is essential to have a high quality model of this background that can predict its value to a fraction of a percent. In this poster we characterize the background and its variability, explore various models, and evaluate the accuracy of their predictions.
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