JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルLeak Location and Classification in the Space Shuttle Main Engine Nozzle by Infrared Testing
著者(英)Walker, James L.; Lansing, Mathew; Russell, Samuel S.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) is composed of cooling tubes brazed to the inside of a conical structural jacket. Because of the geometry there are regions that can't be inspected for leaks using the bubble solution and low-pressure method. The temperature change due escaping gas is detectable on the surface of the nozzle under the correct conditions. The methods and results presented in this summary address the thermographic identification of leaks in the Space Shuttle Main Engine nozzles. A highly sensitive digital infrared camera is used to record the minute temperature change associated with a leak source, such as a crack or pinhole, hidden within the nozzle wall by observing the inner "hot wall" surface as the nozzle is pressurized. These images are enhanced by digitally subtracting a thermal reference image taken before pressurization, greatly diminishing background noise. The method provides a nonintrusive way of localizing the tube that is leaking and the exact leak source position to within a very small axial distance. Many of the factors that influence the inspectability of the nozzle are addressed; including pressure rate, peak pressure, gas type, ambient temperature and surface preparation.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利No Copyright
