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タイトルAntiferromagnetic Interlayer Exchange Coupling in All-Semiconducting EuS/PbS/EuS Trilayers
著者(英)Kowalczyk, L.; Grasza, K.; Filip, A. T.; deJonge, W. J. M.; Chernyshova, M.; Koopmans, B.; Story, T.; Szczerbakow, A.; Swagten, H. J. M.; Smits, C. J. P.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述A comprehensive experimental study on the antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling in high quality epitaxial all-semiconducting EuSPbSEuS trilayers is reported. The influence of substrates, the thickness of the non-magnetic PbS spacer layer, and of temperature, was investigated by means of SQUID magnetometry. In trilayers with a PbS thickness between 4 and 12 deg A the low temperature hysteresis loops showed the signature of antiferromagnetic coupling. The value of the interlayer exchange coupling energy was determined by simulating the data with a modified Stoner model, including Zeeman, anisotropy, and exchange coupling energies. An important observation was of a strong dependence of the interlayer exchange coupling energy on temperature, consistent with a power law dependence of the exchange coupling constant on the saturation magnetization of the EuS layers. While no theoretical description is readily available, we conjecture that the observed behavior is due to a dependence of the interlayer exchange coupling energy on the exchange splitting of the EuS conduction band.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
