JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDeterministic Reconfigurable Control Design for the X-33 Vehicle
著者(英)Wohletz, Jerry M.; Wagner, Elaine A.; Burken, John J.; Hanson, Curtis E.
著者所属(英)NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
内容記述In the event of a control surface failure, the purpose of a reconfigurable control system is to redistribute the control effort among the remaining working surfaces such that satisfactory stability and performance are retained. Four reconfigurable control design methods were investigated for the X-33 vehicle: Redistributed Pseudo-Inverse, General Constrained Optimization, Automated Failure Dependent Gain Schedule, and an Off-line Nonlinear General Constrained Optimization. The Off-line Nonlinear General Constrained Optimization approach was chosen for implementation on the X-33. Two example failures are shown, a right outboard elevon jam at 25 deg. at a Mach 3 entry condition, and a left rudder jam at 30 degrees. Note however, that reconfigurable control laws have been designed for the entire flight envelope. Comparisons between responses with the nominal controller and reconfigurable controllers show the benefits of reconfiguration. Single jam aerosurface failures were considered, and failure detection and identification is considered accomplished in the actuator controller. The X-33 flight control system will incorporate reconfigurable flight control in the baseline system.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
レポートNOAIAA Paper 98-4413
