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タイトルDevelopments in Fibrous Refractory Composite Insulation
著者(英)Goldstein, Howard E.; Leiser, Daniel B.; Smith, Marnell
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述A family of high strength per unit density fibrous insulation materials has undergone preliminary development for heat-shielding advanced, reusable entry vehicles. These materials have a range of temperature capabilities dependent on composition. They have an unusually high thermal-shock resistance, an unusually high strain-to- failure, low thermal conductivity, and good morphological stability. One composition within the family, 22% aluminoborosilicate fiber (0.19 g/cc), has been successfully produced in a pilot plant and scaled up to full production. This fiber's additional strength makes it a desirable composition; it will be used on the third and fourth Space Shuttle vehicles. Another composition, 15% aluminoborosilicate fiber (0.14 g/cc) , has been adopted for use on limited parts of the third vehicle and as a replacement for the 0.14 g/cc density, rigid silica RSI on the fourth.
NASA分類Composite Materials
