タイトル | Understanding gas-surface interactions from direct force measurements using a specialized torsion balance |
著者(英) | Hoffbauer, M. A.; Cook, S. R. |
著者所属(英) | Los Alamos National Lab. |
発行日 | 1996-01-01 1996 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | The first comprehensive measurements of the magnitude and direction of the forces exerted on surfaces by molecular beams are discussed and used to obtain information about the microscopic properties of the gas-surface interactions. This unique approach is not based on microscopic measurements of the scattered molecules. The reduced force coefficients are introduced as a new set of parameters that completely describe the macroscopic average momentum transfer to a surface by an incident molecular beam. By using a specialized torsion balance and molecular beams of N2, CO, CO2, and H2, the reduced force coefficients are determined from direct measurements of the force components exerted on surface of a solar panel array material, Kapton, SiO2-coated Kapton, and Z-93 as a function of the angle of incidence ranging from 0 degrees to 85 degrees. The absolute flux densities of the molecular beams were measured using a different torsion balance with a beam-stop that nullified the force of the scattered molecules. Standard time-of-flight techniques were used to determine the flux-weighted average velocities of the various molecular beams ranging from 1600 m/s to 4600 m/s. The reduced force coefficients can be used to directly obtain macroscopic average properties of the scattered molecules, such as the flux-weighted average velocity and translational energy, that can then be used to determine microscopic details concerning gas-surface interactions without the complications associated with averaging microscopic measurements. |
NASA分類 | Atomic and Molecular Physics |
レポートNO | NASA/TM-96-206737 NAS 1.15:206737 DE97-007189 LA-UR-97-1122 CONF-961002-8 |
権利 | No Copyright |