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タイトルMulti-dimensional modelling of the solar wind-LISM interaction including neutrals: A Boltzmann equation approach
著者(英)Zank, G. P.; Hall, D. T.; Williams, L. L.; Pauls, H. L.
著者所属(英)Delaware Univ.
内容記述The importance of interstellar neutrals in understanding and modelling the global interaction of the solar wind with the local interstellar medium is becoming increasingly apparent. Unfortunately the self-consistent inclusion of a neutral interstellar component into time-dependent, dynamical models is formidably difficult due to the extremely large mean free paths associated with the neutrals and the creation of essentially different neutral distributions from different interaction regions of the solar wind and LISM. In full generality, one has to address the problem by treating the neutrals kinetically with the appropriate extinction and creation source terms. In this paper, a limited set of simulations will be presented in which the solar wind and interstellar plasma is described as a 2D fully compressible time-dependent fluid while the interstellar neutral distribution is derived by solving the appropriate Boltzmann equation directly.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利No Copyright
