JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルNeutral solar wind evolution during solar cycle
著者(英)Rucinski, D.; Bzowski, M.
著者所属(英)Polish Academy of Sciences
内容記述The time dependent model of the expected fluxes of the neutral H and He components of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere is discussed. The model takes into account typical temporal evolution of the distribution of neutral interstellar gases (hydrogen and helium) in the interplanetary space due to solar cycle effects and the long term variability of the solar wind. The contribution of different charge exchange processes to the production of particular NSW element is presented. The distribution of the NSW flux is analysed with respect to the heliocentric distance and azimuthal angle from the Interstellar Wind apex. It demonstrates significant, time-dependent upwind/downwind H and He flux asymmentries. It is shown that the most pronounced modulation of the NSW flux is expected around the solar maximum epoch, when a strong decrease of the energetic H flux by two three orders of magnitude at 1 AU is predicted. The computations show that in the inner solar system (approx. 1 AU) energetic helium atoms production in the downwind region usually dominates the production of the hydrogen component This leads to the conclusion that the NSW composition at the Earth orbit strongly depends on time and the position of the observation point in reference to the apex direction.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利No Copyright
