JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA Fizeau optical interferometer astrometric satellite
著者(英)Urban, S.; Fanson, J.; Shao, M.; Weiler, K.; Corbin, T.; Johnston, K. J.; Yu, J.; Seidelmann, P. Kenneth; Rickard, L. J.; Germain, M.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The proposed design and construction of the Fizeau astrometric mapping explorer (FAME), a small astrometric instrument for use on an artificial satellite, is reported on. The instrument and spacecraft are designed to slowly spin and will repeatedly scan great circles on the sky so that, over a period of time, it will cover the complete sky and repeat in a manner similar to that of the Hipparcos satellite. The instrument will use the two fixed dilute aperture telescopes to measure a fixed angle between stars and detect the positions, magnitude and color of all stars crossing its field of view to a visual magnitude of approximately 15 mag. The aim of the instrument is to obtain a catalog of positions, proper motions and parallaxes of all stars down to about 15 mag, with a magnitude dependent accuracy of positions of 20 to 800 micro arcsec, proper motions of 20 to 800 micro arcsec per year and parallaxes of 20 to 800 micro arcsec.
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