JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルContrast of faculae near the disk center and solar variability
著者(英)Topka, K. P.; Jones, H. P.; Lawrence, J. K.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; NASA Headquarters
内容記述We analyze simultaneous, or near-simultaneous, coregistered, digital, photometric images of solar photospheric intensity and line-of-sight magnetic field. Images were made with the Lockheed tunable filter instrument at the Swedish Solar Observatory, La Palma, with the video spectra-spectroheliograph system at the San Fernando Observatory and with the new NASA spectromagnetograph at the National Solar Observatory at Kitt Peak. We study the disk center contrasts of small magnetic elements. While active region faculae are dark at disk center quiet Sun network features are bright. The populations of magnetic field elements that make up these two kinds of features are quite different. Different contrast center-limb functions must be used when estimating their irradiance or luminosity contributions. The disk center contrasts of active region faculae are colar dependent and indicate a depth effect related to the H(-) opacity of the facular atmopshere. This results is important for calibration of monochromatic observations of faculae to bolometric irradiance fluctuations. We emphasize the value of cooperative observations among installations whose differing strengths are complementary.
