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タイトルUIT ultraviolet imaging of 30 Doradus
著者(英)Hintzen, P.; Smith, A.; Cornett, R.; O'Connell, R.; Roberts, M.; Smith, E.; Stecher, T.; Bohlin, R.; Cheng, K.-P.; Michalitsianos, A.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述During the Astro-1 mission, near- and far-UV images of the 30 Doradus region were obtained using the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT). These wide-field, 40 min in diameter, high spatial resolution, 2-3 sec, UIT UV images reveal a rich field of luminous UV-bright stars, clusters, and associations. There are 181 stars brighter than m(sub 2558A) = 16.5 and 197 stars brighter than m(sub 1615A) = 16.4 within 3 min diameter of the 30 Doradus central cluster. We have derived UV fluxes emitted from the 30 Doradus central cluster and from its UV bright core, R136. The region within 5 sec of R136 produces approximately 14% of the far-UV flux (lambda = 1892 A) and approximately 16% of the near-UV flux (lambda = 2558 A) emitted from the 3 min diameter central cluster. The derived UV luminosity of R136 at 1892 A is only 7.8 times that of the nearby O6-7 Iaf star, R139, and the m(sub 1892) - m(sub v) colors of R136 are similar to other O or Wolf-Rayet stars in the same region. These UIT data, combined with other published observations at longer wavelengths, indicate that there is no observational evidence for a supermassive star in R136.
