JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルChange of earth environment due to the decreasing geomagnetic field: The necessity of observation in Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly region
著者(日)巻田 和男
著者(英)Makita, Kazuo
著者所属(日)拓殖大学 工学部
著者所属(英)Takushoku University Faculty of Engineering
発行機関などNational Institute of Polar Research
刊行物名Antarctic Record
抄録According to recent research on rock magnetism, the geomagnetic field intensity of earth has been monotonically decreasing for one thousand years and it will disappear after another 1,000 years if the present decreasing rate continues. It should be noted that the decreasing rate of the geomagnetic field near South America has been remarkably large. Since the total intensity of the geomagnetic field in this region is already very weak, the geomagnetic field near South America will disappear within 400 years. It is well known that earth magnetic poles have been frequently reversed during the long earth history. When the earth magnetic poles reverse, the intensity of the geomagnetic field becomes very weak. Therefore, it is considered that human beings will have to live under an extremely weak geomagnetic field in the future. From particle observations by satellite, a large quantity of radiation belt particles (greater than MeV) are precipitating into Brazilian area on account of the very weak geomagnetic field. These high energy particles, precipitating to a few tens of kilometers altitude, are radiating X rays. If the decrease of the geomagnetic field continues, these particle precipitations will increase and the area of such phenomena will expand near the future. Fortunately, these particles and X rays do not reach the ground because they are absorbed by the atmosphere. However, there may be a possibility that several electromagnetic waves occurring in the upper atmosphere reach the ground. Furthermore, it is reported that high energetic solar protons induce the destruction of the ozone layer in the polar cap. So these precipitating particles may also influence the depletion of ozone in the Brazilian anomaly region. The objective of this study is to examine the future earth's environment when the geomagnetic field becomes very weak. The future earth environment can be predicted by investigating the upper atmosphere phenomena in the Brazilian region because the geomagnetic field intensity in Brazil is already extremely weak.
キーワードgeomagnetic field; earth environment change; earth magnetic poles reverse; Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly region; high energy particle; ozone layer destruction; field intensity; upper atmosphere; 地球磁場; 地球環境変動; 地球磁場反転; ブラジル磁気異常帯; 高エネルギー粒子; オゾン層破壊; 磁場強度; 超高層大気
資料種別Technical Report
