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タイトルDetermination of use of a real time tone tracker to obtain same beam interferometry data
著者(英)Folkner, W. M.; Border, J. S.; Nandi, S.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The radio metric tracking technique known as Same-Beam Interferometry (SBI) has been shown to improve orbit determination accuracy for the Magellan and Pioneer 12 orbiter. Previous efforts to explore the technique were carried out by making open loop recordings of the carrier signals from the two spacecraft and extracting their phases through post processing. This paper reports on the use of a closed loop receiver to simultaneously measure the carrier signals from two spacecraft in order to produce SBI data in near real time. The Experiment Tone Tracker is a digital closed loop receiver installed in two of NASA's Deep Space Network stations which can simultaneously extract the phase of up to eight tones. The receivers were used in late September and October of 1992 to collect Doppler and SBI data from Pioneer 12 and Magellan. The demise of the Pionner 12 on October 8th during the start-up phase of our tests precluded the collection of an extensive set of SBI data, however two passes of SBI and several arcs of single spacecraft Doppler data were recorded. The SBI data were analyzed and determined to have statistical errors consistent with error models and similar to open loop data.
