JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCharacteristics of the field-aligned current system in the nighttime sector during auroral substorms
著者(英)Sugiura, M.; Fujii, R.; Hoffman, R. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Fujii et al. (1994) obtained characteristics of the electrodynamic parameters, that is, field-aligned currents, electric fields, and electron precipitation, which are associted with auroral substorm events in the nighttime sector, through a unique analysis that places the ionospheric measurements of these parameters into the context of a generic substorm determined from global auroral images. In this paper we investigate in considerably more detail the characteristics of the field-aligned currents using data from the same set of passes as the previuos study. We show for the first time that the net upward field-aligned currents throughout the surge and surge horn are sufficient to account for most if not all of the converging currents of the auroral electrojets. Current densities are largest in the surge and surge horn. Current region continuity does not appear to exist across the substorm bulge region. Much of the auroral substorm field-aligned current is composed of filamentary currents and finite current segments at large angles to each other. The westward electrojet may contain large gradients in intensity both in local time and latitude due to sets of localized field-aligned currents. The net downward current for several hours to the west of the surge is insufficient to account for the eastward electrojet, consistent with the concept that this electrojet originates primarily on the dayside. Our pattern of field-aligned currents associated with the surge has common features and also differs significantly from the patterns previously derived from data from radars and ground-based magnetometer arrays. Our pattern is considerably more complex, probably due to the much higher resolution in latitude of the satellite data. It is also larger in area, since our average substorm is much larger than those pertaining to the previous patterns, giving a substorm wedge considerably wider than that obtained from the radar and array data.
