JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルFeasibility of an integrated X-ray instrument for Mars exobiology and geology
著者(英)Franco, E. D.; Kerner, J. A.; Schwartz, D. E.; Fonda, M. L.; Koppel, L. N.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述By employing an integrated X-ray instrument on a future Mars mission, data obtained will greatly augment those returned by Viking; details relevant to the possibility of the origin and evolution of life on Mars will be acquired. An integrated combined X Ray Fluorescence/X Ray Detection (XRF/XRD) instrument has been breadboarded and demonstrated to accommodate important exobiology and geology experiment objectives outlined for Mars Environmental Survey (MESUR) and future Mars missions. Among others, primary objectives for the exploration of Mars include: the intense study of local areas on Mars to 'establish the chemical, mineralogical, and petrological character of different components of the surface material; to determine the distribution, abundance and sources and sinks of volatile materials, including an assessment of the biologic potential, now and during past epochs; and to establish the global chemical and physical characteristics of the Martian surface'. The XRF/XRD breadboard instrument identifies and quantifies soil surface elemental, mineralogical, and petrological characteristics and acquires data necessary to address questions on volatile abundance and distribution. Additionally, the breadboard is able to characterize the biogenic element constituents of soil samples providing information on the biologic potential of the Mars environment.
